Thursday, May 5, 2011

Feeling lucky and stupid.

Took a long on cl at 98.50, not much more downside before we see a buck or two bounce.


  1. Would you please tell me how big is your trading account?

    I would like to do the future trading like you. But I'm not sure how much I should put in.


  2. If I want to sleep at night no less than $50,000 to trade 3 or 4 positions across different markets. I still can't sleep and I have no positions on, what does that tell you?

    For the record I tried the $5,000, $25,000 and brought it up to just over $85,000 before resuming my blog just over a month ago. Just over $103,000 now and I am going to draw it down to $53,000 as that is where I am comfortable.

    Being a trader I eat what I kill everyday, just like any business. Be well capitalized, there is no subsitute for that.


